September 2024 Update

Training Completed!

The volunteer leadership of your Agoura Hills Fire Safe Council has recently completed training from the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) and the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE).

The training, totaling five days, included the most up-to-date research and information on wildfire prevention. Your Fire Safe Council is here for you and ready to share what we learned so we can all participate in protecting life and property from wildfire in Agoura Hills.

Five Agoura Hills Recognized Firewise USA® Communities

We are excited to inform you that there are now five Firewise USA recognized communities, with another two in the process of being recognized.

  • Chateau Creek
  • Hillrise
  • Lake Lindero
  • Liberty Canyon
  • Morrison Ranch

If you live in one of these communities you can now download your recognition certificate from our website and send it to your insurance company to see what kind of discount they offer for Firewise communities. Many of your neighbors are already getting insurance discounts. But this is just the start. If you get one of our free home inspections and follow through on even some of the observations, you can qualify for additional discounts from your insurance agency.

If your community is not yet recognized as a Firewise Community, please contact us and together we will get the process started.

Great News — Wildfire Prevention Grant Awarded

We are pleased to announce that funding has been secured to develop and implement a Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) for the City of Agoura Hills.

The Wildfire Prevention grant was awarded to the Santa Monica Mountains Regional Fire Safe Council in collaboration with the Agoura Hills Fire Safe Council. The grant comes from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) through their 2023-2024 California Investments (CCI) Program. The grant was awarded to contract a private environmental consultant to develop and implement the CWPP.

More details to follow.

Training Images courtesy IBHS.

Please contact us to find out how you and your community can take advantage of the Agoura Hills Fire Safe Council and our Firewise community programs.

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