We are working hard to keep you safe!
The last couple of weeks have been overwhelming—devastating to our neighbors who lost so much, and stressful to those of us who endured the power outages and evacuations.
The Agoura Hills Fire Safe Council is dedicated to helping protect life and property from wildfire. Our singular focus is on prevention and preparation, learning and sharing everything we can so that our community can be more resilient in the face of seemingly overwhelming threats. The good news is that we are not powerless against wildfire—there are many things we can do, today, ourselves.
Here’s what we’ve achieved in the last year.
The Agoura Hills Fire Safe Council has been recognized by the statewide California Fire Safe Council, and we have successfully received Firewise USA® recognition for over half of the homes in Agoura Hills. Our monthly education outreach campaigns go out to more than 2,000 Agoura residents. Through our partners at the Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, over 150 homeowners have received free individualized property risk assessments and learned how they can be more resilient and survivable in the face of wildfire. We have held public wildfire mitigation and Firewise workshops.
But there’s so much more we need to do.
We’re pushing for expedited completion of a Community Wildfire Risk Assessment, to understand more formally and scientifically what threats need to be addressed, and in what order. We’re partnering with local businesses to improve the array of “home hardening” options available, and to make them more affordable and easier to implement. We’re planning a dramatic expansion of the individualized property risk assessments, and keeping them completely free. We hope to publish more user-friendly guidance on how to prepare for the next evacuation orders, because they will come. We want to bring more resources, more knowledge, and more grant funding to our community so that we can protect this wonderful place we call home.
We welcome your input and involvement; we’re in this together.